Welcome to The Cochrane Sanctuary Dome

The Cochrane Wolves FC is very excited to introduce the The Cochrane Sanctuary Project. In partnership with the Town of Cochrane, this project will see the construction of a domed air structure over a turf soccer field. The goal is to have the Dome implemented into Phase 1 of the Sports Park.

Cochrane is the fastest growing town in the province. The Rolling Hills is the next step in supporting this vibrant young community. Cochrane Wolves FC has grown over 100% in Indoor alone and has over 1200 members and growing!

The Dome is a state of the art structure that will incorporate a FIFA full sized regulation field, four 7 v 7 fields, three 9 v 9 fields and will be able to accommodate year round non boarded play.

Additionally the facility will include a High Performance Training Centre, supporting all athletes and founded in scientific based training.

I want to support this project | Online Petition

The purpose of the petition is to gauge how much interest is out there to see an Indoor Sports Dome be brought to Cochrane, Alberta.  The plan will consider a multitude of sports including soccer, baseball, softball, cricket, rugby, football, lacrosse, field-hockey, track and field, ultimate, and more.

The Town of Cochranes most recent recreational master plan was developed in 2002 and there are no existing plans to bring an indoor dome facility to Cochrane despite indoor facility space reaching capacity and the town continuing to grow.

After the Redevelopment Plan is approved, the goal will be to recruit a team of professional and volunteer fundraisers to raise the capitol needed for an indoor dome. Our target timeline for completion is 2025-2026.